So with back to school just around the corner i thought it would be great to show you a wonderful little back to school project to get your princess ready.
This project is easy and quick to make and requires only minimal supplies.
You will need:
Mod Podge (found at either Michael's or Walmart at around $5)
Craft Paint or Spray paint in color of your choice
(also found at either Michael's or Walmart. Craft paint $1,Spray paint around $3)
Pretty paper in design of your choice (Michael's has a great selection ranging from .25 to $3)
Foam brushes (Found at Michael's or Dollar tree)
Clipboard (Found at jsut about any store near you)
Anything Shiny,pretty or sparkly that you can decorate with. Ex: Rhinestones,flowers,stickers. ( guessed it,Michael's)
Hot Glue gun and glue sticks (not pictured)
Old credit card or rewards card (not pictured)
Emery board (also not pictured but please give me a break. I'm new at this.)
Also heres a little tip.Most sunday newspapers will carry a Michael's Ad with a 40% off coupon. Or you can go to the
Michael's website too see their weekly ad and print coupons from there.
Ok,lets get started!
Start by applying a couple of coats of your craft paint on your clip board. Any color will do. I chose to make this extra pink & girlie. You can also choose to use spray paint. In this case i chose to use craft paint because well it was on sale for .49 and if there's one thing you"ll learn about me is i love me a sale. I applied it on the silver handle what-do-you call it as well. ( Look at me getting technical with my terms ) but you may choose not to do so. Also make sure to paint all the sides. Now that you're done with all the painting,the next step is to pull up your favorite chair,a yummy snack,kick up you're feet and wach the paint dry. This step is very important.Feel free to tell youre husband I said that.
Once the paint is dry take your board and pretty paper and trace the board onto the paper and cut it out.
Once that's all finished it's time to apply the Mod Podge. Let me tell you a little something about me.
I heart Mod Podge! Me+Mod Podge=Forever! Oh ya,it's like that. This stuff rocks. You can use it on just about anything. The technical term for this method is Decoupage. And it is loads of fun. So grab your Mod Podge and apply a thin coat with your foam brush.Cover the whole (unpainted) side of your board with it. Take your paper and lay it on the board. Now take your old credit card/rewards card or even a ruler will work and lightly scrape it on the paper. This helps to keep air bubbles from forming on your paper so it looks nice and smooth. Next, apply another THIN coat of Mod Podge directly to your paper. Like This:

Make sure to use nice even strokes because it will show. It'll be light but it will show. And if you're a perfectionist like me it will bug you and you'll have to start over again. Just saying. This is another important step! Take your favorite lawn chair,a nice cold glass of lemonade and set your board in the sun to dry. Why in the sun you ask? Because i'm impatient and it'll dry quicker this way. So what if it's cold where i live? Move to California. We have two types of weather here. Sunny and not so sunny. That's why I live here. Feel free to feel jealous. Now that you're board is dry take your nail file and file down all the edges so they're even.
Now it's time to take out your pretties. And your glue gun. Now glue your pretties to your silver handle however you like. Please be careful! Especially if you are having the kiddos help. Glue guns get really hot. The glue gets really hot. Just remember when you burn yourself it is not your husbands fault. Please don't take it out on him. Not that I do or anything. And really,feel free to go crazy here. Flatback buttons,cabochons,rhinestones,beads. I chose pretty purple rhinestones I scored at The Dollar Tree a while back and a paper flower from Michael's. If you haven't guessed it by now; I practically live at Michael's. And Dollar Tree is my next door neighbor.
{Oooh Pretty}
{The backside}
I chose to put a strip of ribbon on the top so i can add a name with glittery sticker letter. And there you have it my friends. Send your Princess back to school in style.